Calling all 6th graders! The time is here to leave your mark at Joshua Circle. Bring $5 and you will be able to add your handprint and name to the "Leave Your Mark" wall to remain for years to come. Marks are done every Friday, money can be brought in at any time during the week.

We look forward to seeing everyone at Innovation Night!

Please take some time and fill out the LCAP survey, using the following link.

Mother-Son dance
Wednesday February 5th @ 5pm
Father-Daughter dance
Thursday February 6th @ 5pm
Both dances will be held at Hesperia Junior High
Theme is: Roaring 20s!
Flyers will be coming home this week with more info.
Hope to see all our families there!

Dances are right around the corner. Don’t forget to save the date!! Have a great weekend Bulldogs.

JC Students! Tomorrow, Friday the 23rd, is spirit day! Don't forget to wear your JC colors and show your Bulldog pride!

Good evening JC families
Upcoming events...
Tomorrow 1/22- dine out fundraiser at pieology on Main Street. From 11am-9:30pm. Flyers can be shown on your phone. Found on Facebook.
Friday 1/24-100th day of school!! Come dressed like you’re 100 years old!
Dances- 2/5 & 2/6. Theme: Roaring 20s.

Save the date!!!
Mother-son: February 5th
Father-daughter: February 6th
Both at Hesperia Junior High
Theme- The Roaring 20’s
Innovation night: February 19th 5pm-6pm
More information on both to follow.

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend! Friendship grams go on sale tomorrow for $1 at the front of the school.

Hope everyone is enjoying the first day of winter break. Tomorrow, Saturday the 21st, the Joshua Circle PTC will be at Barnes and Noble wrapping presents all day. It is all donation based. Our book fair is that day as well any purchases made just mention Joshua Circle and a percent comes back to the school. Stop by and say hi!!!

Hello bulldogs!!
The PTC meeting for today has been canceled. Wishing all our family a safe and happy holidays.

Remember TONIGHT is the Chipotle fundraiser. Don’t forget to stop by and support Joshua Circle!

Great news bulldogs! The popcorn came in today!! We will try and get as many home today as possible.
Pictures were delayed by one day so those will be going home tomorrow.

Hello Bulldog families. Update for things this week
-All week is spirit week!
-Wednesday is the last day for Santa Shop!
-Santa pictures and Winter Wonderland pictures should be coming home tomorrow.
-Popcorn should be delivered to the school on Wednesday to go home with students on Thursday.
-Chipotle fundraiser on Wednesday from 4-8
-We will be gift wrapping at Barnes and Noble all day Saturday. Stop by and see us and get your gifts wrapped. We do all the wrapping and just ask for a donation to the school. It is also our book fair at Barnes and Noble so a percentage of all sales that day come back to the school.

Happy Sunday!!! Just a reminder that this week is spirit week!
Monday-pajama day
Tuesday-holiday headwear
Wednesday-socks and scarves
Thursday-ugly sweater
Also, remember Santa shop is open through Wednesday and our dine out fundraiser this month is Wednesday the 18th at chipotle! Flyers will come home tomorrow.

Winter Wonderland is tonight!!! From 5pm - 7pm we will have crafts, games. Tickets are sold in $5 and $10 increments. We will also have caroling by our students. Kona Ice will be here and a stocked snack bar. Come out and enjoy the night.

Don't forget that Winter Wonderland is this Thursday, December 12, 2019.

Tomorrow the man in red will be here to take pictures with the students - $1/Picture.

The HUSD Calendar Committee voted to survey stakeholders (you) about the possibility of implementing a Fall Break into the student calendar starting next year. Please visit the link and give your feedback about the possibility of having a Fall Break starting next school year. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWO7vr-HCESEsvZANacyHRb4zbrVfVUx3LbgnGIN9d_fWnHA/viewform Please do so by 12/12/19

Good morning Bulldogs! Santa shop opens today!!! Grams are also on sale this week $1 each!!